Usage with Nuxt
If you want to use @tuttarealstep/vue-pdf.js
in a Nuxt project, you can follow these steps.
Create a "client-only" component
In this example we will use the @tuttarealstep/vue-pdf.js
component to display a PDF file and highlight some text.
Create a new component in the components
directory, for example PDFViewer.client.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
// 1. Import the component and the styles
import { VuePDFjs } from "@tuttarealstep/vue-pdf.js";
import "@tuttarealstep/vue-pdf.js/dist/style.css";
// 2. Import the FTL file
import it_FTL from "@tuttarealstep/vue-pdf.js/l10n/it/viewer.ftl?raw";
// 3. Define the component props if needed
const props = defineProps<{
source: string;
highlightText?: string | string[];
// 4. Create the template ref for the VuePDFjs component
const pdfComponent = useTemplateRef<typeof VuePDFjs>("pdfComponent");
// 5. Create the options object with the locale property
const options = reactive({
locale: {
code: "it",
ftl: it_FTL,
// You can add more options here
// 6. Create the function to set the highlight
const setHighlight = (text: string | string[]) => {
if (pdfComponent.value && pdfComponent.value.pdfApp) {
pdfComponent.value.pdfApp?.eventBus?.dispatch("find", {
query: text,
caseSensitive: false,
entireWord: false,
highlightAll: true,
// 7. Create the function to listen to the "pagesloaded" event
const onPdfAppLoaded = () => {
if (!pdfComponent.value?.pdfApp) {
pdfComponent.value.pdfApp.eventBus.on("pagesloaded", (e: any) => {
if (props.highlightText) {
// 8. Watch the props to set the highlight
() => props.highlightText,
(newVal) => {
if (newVal) setHighlight(newVal);
// 9. Watch the source prop to set the highlight
() => props.source,
(newVal) => {
if (newVal && props.highlightText) setHighlight(props.highlightText);
<div class="pdf-viewer-container">
<style scoped lang="scss">
.pdf-viewer-container {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
overflow: auto;
position: relative;
Use the component in a page
Now you can use the PDFViewer.client.vue
component in a Nuxt page.
Create a new page in the pages
directory, for example pdf-viewer.vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { defineProps } from "vue";
const pdfUrl = "<URL_TO_PDF>";
<!-- You can use the component in a client-only block -->
<PDFViewer :source="pdfUrl" :highlight-text="'text to highlight'" />