Configurations Files

MyCMS with the installer sets up everything, but if you enable debug or change other things, you need to edit manually the configuration file.

In MyCMS 6.0, all configurations settings are located in /src/App/Configuration/my_config.php.


  • C_HOST: The location of your MySQL database
  • C_USER: The username you use to connect to MySQL
  • C_PASSWORD: The password you use to connect to MySQL
  • C_DATABASE: The name of your MySQL database


MY_M_DEBUG, if you set it to true the cms show all errors, notices and warning.


define('SESSION_KEY_GENERATE', true);, if this variable is se to false, and you change the SESSION_KEY, any user online cannot access to the website.
define('SESSION_KEY', 'MYCMS_00000');, the session key


define('ENABLE_TWIG_TEMPLATE_ENGINE', true);, if this variable is set to false, disable the twig engine.
define('ENABLE_TWIG_TEMPLATE_DEBUG', true);, if true enable the twig engine debug.

Others Settings

These settings aren't in the configuration file. You can add these for overwriting the setting from database.

define('MY_TIMEZONE', 'UTC');, if you add this setting, you manually set the timezone.
define('HOST', 'http://localhost');, add this setting for manually set the host, and not use the host saved in the database.
define('MY_THEME', 'default');, add this setting for manually set the current theme.
define('MY_BASE_PATH', '');, add this or change it in the Application.php file, if you put mycms in a subfolder you need to set specify the subfolder in this setting.
define('MY_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');, add this setting for change the memory limit.