
  • Page id: The id of the page.
  • Title: The title of the page, if you click on it you can simply edit the page.
  • Page Url: The url of the page.
  • Menu id: The id of the menu, for the menu page.


For edit a page simply select which page you want to edit, next click on menu under the table and select "Edit" next click "do".


For remove a page simply select which page you want to remove, next click on menu under the table and select "Delete" next click "do".


For create a new page simply click on the "Create New Page" button.

  • Title: The title of the page.
  • Text Area: In this area you can customize how you want your page to be displayed on the site.
  • Tags: For know which tags you can use see the tags menu under the Developer menu on the guide.

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